Gut Check board game. Cartoon intestines, bacteria, ambulance on front

World Microbe Forum is here!

Planning for a large meeting can be overwhelming. We’ve made it a bit easier by choosing some sessions and posters to help you set your agenda.

Additionally, participants in the Binning Singletons program can win the board game Gut Check!

What do you need to do to win?
  1. Visit as many of the following sessions and posters as you can
  2. Post on Twitter with a photo or screenshot of you attending the session, and one thing you liked/learned about the presentation (Be sure to use the #BinningSingletons and #WorldMicrobeForum hashtags)
  3. You’ll be entered into a raffle to win one of the copies of Gut Check! More visits and posts earn you more chances to win!
iPoster WMF21-0593 Isolation and Pathogenicity of Some Spoilage Fungi of Sweet -potato (Ipomea-batatas ) 6/20/2021 4:00 6/20/2021 4:30
iPoster WMF21-1764 Isolation, Identification and Aflatoxin Production of Some Spoilage Microfungi of Sun-dried Meats (‘Kundi’) 6/20/2021 5:00 6/20/2021 5:30
FEMS Programming FEMS119 Course: Social Media and Networking 6/20/2021 5:30 6/20/2021 6:30
iPoster WMF21-1559 A Comparison of Methods to Reconstruct Multiple Short Amplicons Into a Full Length Sequence 6/20/2021 9:00 6/20/2021 10:00
iPoster Microbial Communities as Tracers of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases 6/20/2021 9:00 6/20/2021 13:00
Joint General Session Global 100 Opening Session: ASM-FEMS Lifetime Achievement Awards 6/20/2021 12:00 6/20/2021 13:30
Lounge and Learn Meet Up – Binning Singletons Orientation 6/20/2021 18:00 6/20/2021 18:45
Fast Track (On-Demand) POM101 Engaging with ASM as an Early-Career Volunteer: Benefits of ASM Student Chapters and Young Ambassador Program 6/21/2021 6:00 6/21/2021 6:45
Symposium (On-Demand) POM104 ASM Awards Subcommittee Chair’s Invited Session 6/21/2021 6:00 6/21/2021 7:30
iPoster WMF21-1152 A Fiber-free Diet Leads to Loss of Both the Fiber- and Mucus-degrading Gut Microbiota 6/21/2021 7:00 6/21/2021 8:00
iPoster WMF21-0917 Iron Oxidisers and Sheath-forming Zetaproteobacteria in Biofilms of the Newly Discovered Faavne Hydrothermal Vent Field 6/21/2021 7:00 6/21/2021 8:00
Meet-the-Expert (Live) CIV108 Women in Infectious Diseases: Developing a Clinical and Research Career 6/21/2021 8:00 6/21/2021 9:00
Career Talk (Live) FEMS125 A True Master is an Eternal Student: Lessons on Online Teaching and Learning 6/21/2021 8:00 6/21/2021 9:00
Meet-the-Expert (Live) Global 101 Industry and Academia: The Perfect Match? 6/21/2021 8:00 6/21/2021 9:00
iPoster WMF21-0279 Pyrogallol Inhibits Invasion and Intracellular Survival of Salmonella Typhimurium 6/21/2021 8:00 6/21/2021 10:45
iPoster WMF21-2210 Phylogenetic Relationship, Diversity and Metabolic Characterization of a Bacteria Cultures Collection from Deep Subsurface Environments 6/21/2021 9:00 6/21/2021 9:40
Symposium (Interactive) POM106 Decolonizing the Microbial Sciences 6/21/2021 11:00 6/21/2021 12:30
iPoster WMF21-1416 Miniscule Amount of Intracellular Hydrogen Peroxide Can Cause Lethal Amount of DNA Damage if the Exposure Is Protracted 6/21/2021 11:00 6/21/2021 12:00
iPoster WMF21-1416 Miniscule Amount of Intracellular Hydrogen Peroxide Can Cause Lethal Amount of DNA Damage if the Exposure Is Protracted 6/21/2021 11:00 6/21/2021 12:00
iPoster WMF21-1161 Gut Microbiota as a Potential Regulator of Anxiety-like Behavior in the Single Prolonged Stress Animal Mode of PTSD 6/21/2021 11:00 6/21/2021 13:00
iPoster WMF21-0401 Patterns of Antibiotic Resistance in Alabama Raptors Before and After Rehabilitation 6/21/2021 12:30 6/21/2021 13:30
iPoster WMF21-2709 Microdiversity Of The Vaginal Microbiome In Preterm Birth 6/21/2021 12:30 6/21/2021 13:30
iPoster WMF21-1003 Phylogenetic Relationship and Diversity of a Bacteria Cultures Collection from an Altitudinal Gradient of Freshwater Environments in Colombia 6/21/2021 12:30 6/21/2021 13:30
iPoster WMF21-2736 Fecal Microbiota Transplants And Their Potential To Treat Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease In Greater One-horned Rhinoceros 6/21/2021 12:30 6/21/2021 13:30
iPoster WMF21-0502 Veterinary Antibiotics as Trigger for Prophage Induction: Influence on Soil and Groundwater Bacterial Cosmos 6/21/2021 12:30 6/21/2021 13:30
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with MBP 6/21/2021 13:00 6/21/2021 13:45
iPoster WMF21-0527 Distribution and Prevalence of Naegleria fowleri in Freshwater from Alabama Lakes and Ponds 6/21/2021 13:30 6/21/2021 14:30
Fast Track (Interactive) MBP108 Industry Career Opportunities: How You Make the Transition from Academia 6/21/2021 14:45 6/21/2021 15:30
Fast Track (Interactive) POM107 The NSURP Project: Creating Remote Research Opportunities for Black and Latinx Undergrads 6/21/2021 14:45 6/21/2021 15:30
After Chats (Live) After Chat with Terry Hazen, ASM Awardee for Environmental Research 6/21/2021 15:45 6/21/2021 16:30
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with HMB 6/21/2021 16:00 6/21/2021 16:45
Symposium (Interactive) MBP110 Resolving the Known Unknowns: The Quest for Gene Function 6/21/2021 17:00 6/21/2021 18:30
Community Corner Binning Singletons: ¡Borinquen! 6/21/2021 18:00 6/21/2021 18:45
ASM Programming Global 102 ASM Update 6/21/2021 18:45 6/21/2021 19:45
Community Corner Binning Singletons: Taking Care of your Mental Health 6/21/2021 20:00 6/21/2021 20:45
iPoster WMF21-2590 Assessing And Removing The Effect Of Unwanted Technical Variations In Microbiome Data 6/22/2021 5:30 6/22/2021 6:30
Fast Track (On-Demand) POM111 Strategies for Your Job Search 6/22/2021 6:00 6/22/2021 6:45
iPoster WMF21-3024 Role Of A TRNA Modification Enzyme In Antimicrobial Peptide Stress Response In Bacteria 6/22/2021 6:00 6/22/2021 9:00
Symposium (Interactive) MBP117 Myth-busting Advocacy: Don’t Let Common Misconceptions Stop Engagement 6/22/2021 11:00 6/22/2021 12:30
iPoster WMF21-2669 Metabolic Pathoadaptation In A Salmonella Typhimurium St313 Isolate Via The Glucuronate Pathway 6/22/2021 12:00 6/22/2021 13:00
iPoster WMF21-2866 Antimicrobial Activity Of Oil Smoke Vapors 6/22/2021 12:00 6/22/2021 14:00
Meet Up (Live) Meet up with AES 6/22/2021 13:00 6/22/2021 13:45
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with POM 6/22/2021 13:00 6/22/2021 13:45
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with CIV 6/22/2021 13:00 6/22/2021 13:45
iPoster WMF21-1137 Diet Differentially Impacts Abundance of Hadza Bacteroidetes Isolates 6/22/2021 13:00 6/22/2021 16:00
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with AAR 6/22/2021 14:00 6/22/2021 14:45
Fast Track (Interactive) AES120 Humor and Puns in Science Communication 6/22/2021 14:45 6/22/2021 15:30
Fast Track (Interactive) MBP119 Navigating Social Media 6/22/2021 14:45 6/22/2021 15:30
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with EEB 6/22/2021 15:00 6/22/2021 15:45
Career Talk (Live) POM113 Career Talk: Developing Leadership and Transferable Skills at Early-Career Stages with ESCMID and ASM 6/22/2021 15:45 6/2/2021 16:30
ASM Programming Global 106 ASM President’s Forum 6/22/2021 18:45 6/22/2021 19:45
Community Corner Binning Singletons Meet-Up – LGBTQ+ 6/22/2021 21:00 6/22/2021 21:45
FEMS Programming FEMS138 How to be an Ally: Anti-racism in STEM 6/23/2021 5:00 6/23/2021 5:45
Symposium (On-Demand) CPHM128 Expanding Your View, Expanding Your Reach: Tales from Industry 6/23/2021 6:00 6/23/2021 7:30
Symposium (On-Demand) POM117 Early-Career Women in Science: Current Challenges and How to Overcome Them 6/23/2021 6:00 6/23/2021 7:30
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with POM 6/23/2021 8:00 6/23/2021 8:45
Career Talk (Live) POM119 Career Talk: Microbiologists Gone Rogue? Venturing Beyond Traditional Training to Expand Microbiological Studies 6/23/2021 8:00 6/23/2021 9:00
Meet-the-Expert (Live) POM120 Using Art as a Tool for Microbiology Education and Outreach 6/23/2021 8:00 6/23/2021 9:00
Symposium (Interactive) POM122 Cultivating the Next Generation through Mentorship 6/23/2021 11:00 6/23/2021 12:30
Fast Track (Interactive) POM123 Entrepreneurship in Microbiology 6/23/2021 14:45 6/23/2021 15:30
After Chats (Live) After Chat with the ASM Microbe Co-Chairs 6/23/2021 15:00 6/23/2021 15:45
Career Talk (Live) POM124 Career Talk: Building a Successful Career in Applied Microbiology 6/23/2021 15:45 6/23/2021 16:30
Community Corner Binning Singletons: Navigating a Career in Biotech: Jobs Beyond the Lab 6/23/2021 21:00 6/23/2021 21:45
FEMS Programming FEMS137 How to be an Ally: Anti-ableism in STEM 6/24/2021 5:00 6/24/2021 5:45
Symposium (Interactive) FEMS139 EAM Workshop: Microbiology Literacy 6/24/2021 5:00 6/24/2021 6:30
Symposium (On-Demand) POM127 What You Can Do to Increase Equity and Diversity at Your Institution: From Students to Deans 6/24/2021 6:00 6/24/2021 7:30
Symposium (On-Demand) POM128 Winning Hearts and Minds: Engaging the Public with Science 6/24/2021 6:00 6/24/2021 7:30
After Chats (Live) After Chat: Various POM Sessions, featuring Ariangela Kozik, Laura Oliveira and Jennifer Glass 6/24/2021 8:00 6/24/2021 8:45
Meet Up (Live) Meet Up with iPoster Winners 6/24/2021 8:00 6/24/2021 8:45
FEMS Programming FEMS140 FEMS Awards Ceremony and Poster Prizes 6/24/2021 8:00 6/24/2021 9:00
Meet-the-Expert (Live) POM129 How Can International Microbiologists Inoculate their Expertise Back Home? 6/24/2021 8:00 6/24/2021 9:00
Community Corner Binning Singletons: Turkish Community 6/24/2021 9:00 6/24/2021 9:45
Symposium (Interactive) POM130 Finding Your Voice in the Microbial Sciences (Organized by the Junior Advisory Group) 6/24/2021 9:15 6/24/2021 10:45
Joint General Session Global116 Closing Session: Policy and Communications in COVID and Beyond: A Global Perspective 6/24/2021 12:00 6/24/2021 13:30
Community Corner Binning Singletons: Black Microbiologists Association 6/24/2021 13:00 6/24/2021 13:45
iPoster WMF21-0645 Risk Factors for Increased Covid-19 Case-fatality in the United States: A County-level Analysis During the First Wave
iPoster WMF21-1401 Characterization of Modulatory Quorum Sensing Molecules in Streptococcus pyogenes
iPoster WMF21-1265 Unique Traits May Impact Virulence of a Human Pathogenic Fungus Responsible for Fungal Keratitis
iPoster WMF21-2076 Using Microbiology to Create Online Research Travel Projects During the COVID-19 Pandemic
iPoster WMF21-0046 Oxygen Availability Impacts the AMR Profiles of the Facultative Anaerobe, Vibrio cholerae
iPoster WMF21-1486 Investigating the Role of ylaN in Iron Homeostasis in Staphylococcus aureus
iPoster WMF21-1200 A Fly on the Wall to the Interactions within the Hawaiian Drosophila Gut Microbiome
iPoster WMF21-2638 Characterization Of Chicken Caecal Microbiota And Their AMR Gene Profile: An In-house Longitudinal Study
iPoster WMF21-1186 Assembly and Identification of Novel Viruses in the Daphnia magna Microbiota
iPoster WMF21-1190 Novel Bacteriophages and Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Kitchen Sponges
iPoster WMF21-2587 Organization And Expansion Of Hli Gene Family In The Photosynthetic Amoeba Paulinella Micropora