ASM Microbe 2020
ASM Microbe 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Plans are in the works to present as much as possible online. Further details are forthcoming from ASM.
ASM Microbe is the flagship scientific meeting for microbiologists.
It attracts 6,000-10,000 attendees from across the globe and all areas of microbiology. The scale and depth of the meeting makes it ideal for staying abreast with the latest science and meeting leaders in the field. Rising stars in the field present their work, and the latest innovations from vendors are on display. However, this same scale can be difficult for many people to take advantage of the offerings, especially those coming alone for for the first time, due to feelings of isolation, imposter syndrome, or simply introversion. Just as in a large data set, these folks can sometimes feel like Singletons that don’t belong to a particular group.
Binning Singletons matches up Singletons with an experienced mentor.
We will make matches, as much as possible, within the ASM tracks and based on the strengths of the mentors and the goals of the Singletons. Mentors provide guidance with meeting planning, networking, attending and presenting posters and talks, cross-field interactions, job hunting, and navigating the vendors. As a result, the Singletons will also expand their networks by getting to know one another, and meeting Singletons binned in other groups.
Binning Singletons has partnered with ASM to foster mentorship and networking at Microbe
Binning Singletons Curated Itinerary
Binning Singletons personnel will curate an itinerary for the ASM Microbe app. Emphasis will be placed on sessions which can help scientists network, communicate, and move through the workforce in academia, industry, and beyond
Randomized Coffee Trial
The Randomized Coffee Trial is an activity that matches people across tracks and career ladders between Mentors and 3-5 Singletons. The mentor will set time to be available for 30 minutes for virtual coffee/tea/etc. This low commitment activity allows for new connections between scientists, but the duration is short and and it’s very informal, lowering the barriers of interaction.