2020 Sponsorship Opportunities

Each level of contribution comes with the following opportunities for sponsors:


  • Logo Included on Binning Singletons T-shirt
  • Acknowledgement on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, maximum 1 post/day/sponsor, maximum 3 sponsor posts/day)
  • Acknowledgement on Agenda



Platinum – $4000

T-shirt:  6.25 in2 Logo

Social Media: 20 posts in the 2 months leading up to the meeting

Acknowledgement on the Agenda


BONUS!! Logo with URL featured on Binning Singletons webpage


Gold – $2000

T-shirt:  4 in2 Logo

Social Media: 10 posts in the 2 months leading up to the meeting


BONUS!! Logo with URL featured on Binning Singletons webpage


Silver – $1000

T-shirt:  3 in2 Logo

Social Media: 3 posts in the 2 months leading up to the meeting

Sponsorship acknowledgement on agenda


BONUS!! Sponsorship acknowledgement on Binning Singletons webpage


Bronze– $500

T-shirt:  1 in2 Logo

Social Media: 1 posts in the 2 months leading up to the meeting

Sponsorship acknowledgement on agenda

BONUS!! Sponsorship acknowledgement on Binning Singletons webpage